Master of Science in Industrial Economics (MSIE) students Scott Gabriel Tiamson, Josh Cody Ong, Ethan Gabriel Lee, and Catherine Beatrize Salazar recently won first runner-up in the ASEAN-Australian Youth Summit Case Competition: Breakthroughs in Mental Health hosted online by ASEAN Youth Organization of Australia.

The college juniors were given one week in September to create a mental health program that could be implemented by local government units and non-government organizations across ASEAN to deal with the rising problem of mental health.

The group represented Aureum (Latin for “golden”), a case competition pool operating under Forum, UA&P’s debate society founded by Scott. Aureum trains its members to solve real and complex business problems and economic issues in society by forming innovative ideas and turning them into actionable insights. Barely three months old since its formal establishment and with only five members to field, the student organization has remarkably gone to compete and place in both national and international arenas.

Read more at Universitas.