Research Ethics and Review Board
The University of Asia and the Pacific, in its commitment to the promotion of high-level research and the responsible use of freedom of scientific inquiry, has established the UA&P Research Ethics Review Board (RERB) on November 20, 2020. This concrete manifestation of its mission promotes ethics and principles that guide researchers toward the protection of the safety, dignity, rights and welfare of human participants, and the physical environment (cf. University Research Manual).
By subjecting research to ethics review, any errors, deception, or intention to harm anyone involved in the research can be prevented. This will benefit not only UA&P faculty, personnel, and student researchers but also non-UA&P researchers in the humanities, social sciences, and multiple disciplines. Ultimately, it will push the boundaries of knowledge, uphold the truth, and strengthen intellectual values.
Applications for Research Ethics Clearance can be done for approved Thesis/Research Proposal. Applications can be accepted until five working days before the RERB meeting on the last Wednesday of the month. Beyond the specified date, the application will be included in the following month’s agenda.
- RER Requirements Checklist
- RERF1, F2, or F3 Research Protocol (Non-UA&P, Faculty, Student)
- RERF4 Informed Consent Form (In English and in the participants’ dialect)
- Data Collection Form. Any of the following: Interview/FGD Guide questions; Survey Questionnaire; Observation guide
- RERF5 Endorsement from Adviser or Assigned Institutional Officer
- Curriculum Vitae of Principal Investigator and Co-investigators