Dr. Jovi C. Dacanay

PhDBE Program Director

Areas of Interest

  • Industrial organization of banking
  • Industrial organization of the entertainment industry
  • International migration and OFW remittances
  • Social economics and philosophy of economics

Dr. Jovi C. Dacanay

PhDBE Program Director
  • Industrial organization of banking
  • Industrial organization of the entertainment industry
  • International migration and OFW remittances
  • Social economics and philosophy of economics
Dr. Jovi Clemente Dacanay is the Program Director of the Ph.D. in Business Economics Program of the UA&P School of Economics. She holds the Professorial Chair for International Migration and OFW Remittances and is currently the Treasurer and a Trustee of the Philippine Social Science Council, and the Philippine Economic Society. She crafted Social Economics, a course using economics and Catholic social thought to propose ethical solutions to socio-economic issues. Her research with graduate students on social learning and movies from 2004-2010 has influenced the Philippine movie industry to produce quality and profitable family-oriented films. Consequently, the non-profitable R-rated films are no longer shown in large movie theaters in the Philippines.


  • Marta Kowal, Piotr Sorokowski, Katarzyna Pisanski, Jovi Dacanay, et al. (2022). “Predictors of enhancing human physical attractiveness: Data from 93 countries,” Evolution and Human Behavior 43(6), pp. 455-474. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2022.08.003
  • Dacanay, J., Araneta, M., Ruiz, M.A.L. (2022). “Virtues-Practices-Goods-Institutions Framework, the Market Economy, and Virtue Ethics” in Ogunyemi, K., Ogunyemi, O., Okoye, E. (eds) Humanistic Perspectives in Hospitality and Tourism, Volume 1. pp.  51-76. Humanism in Business Series. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-95671-4_4
  • Merino, M.N., Dacanay, J., et al. (2021). “Bank Stability and Macro Stress Testing of the Top 24 Banks in the Philippines,” in Toward the Future of Asia:  My Proposal (Best Papers of the 6th Asia Future Conference), Junko Imanishi, editor, Volume 6A, pp. 157-169, Sekiguchi Global Research Association (SGRA):  Tokyo, Japan, September 2021.  http://www.aisf.or.jp/aifdocs/vol_6A_15.pdf
  • Dela Chica, P.A., Dacanay, J. Agner, M.G., Janeo, V.Y. (2021). “An Economic Explanation on the Effect of Work Flourishing on Teacher Job Satisfaction and Job Performance,” in Toward the Future of Asia:  My Proposal (Best Papers of the 6th Asia Future Conference), Junko Imanishi, editor, Volume 6A, pp. 171-189. Sekiguchi Global Research Association (SGRA):  Tokyo, Japan, September 2021. http://www.aisf.or.jp/aifdocs/vol_6A_16.pdf
  • Dacanay, Jovi. (2021). “How can religion address issues borne in multi-cultural environments?” in Social Ethics and Global Economy:  Can Religion Stop the Tyranny of the Market Economy? Brenda Tenegra and Sonja Dale, editors, Atsumi International Foundation Sekiguchi Global Research Association (SGRA), 2021, pp. 87-91  https://www.aisf.or.jp/sgra/english/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2021/03/AFC5religionreport-FINAL.pdf
  • Dacanay, Jovi, Maria Alexandra Madroño, Mila Araneta, Mary Anne Ruiz, Sophia Victoria Collado, Jose Emmanuel Duavit, Gabrielle Marie Raña, Dorothy Castaneda. (2020). “Sustaining Human Development Through Technical-Vocational Education and Training,” in Toward the Future of Asia:  My Proposal (Best Papers of the 5th Asia Future Conference), Junko Imanishi, editor, Volume 5, pp. 147-160. Sekiguchi Global Research Association (SGRA):  Tokyo, Japan, September 2020. http://www.aisf.or.jp/aifdocs/vol_5_12.pdf
  • Dacanay, Jovi C., (2018) “Beyond Rational Choice and Needs Gratification:  Philosophical-Anthropological Perspectives of Happiness Economics as Human Flourishing” in Work in a  Human Economy:  Business and Common Good in a Changing Society, Conference Proceedings of The Heart of Work, Antonio Argandoña Rámiz and Francisco Javier Insa Gómez, editors, Pontificia Università della Santa Croce: Rome, Italy, Volume 4, pp. 39-57 https://www.pusc.it/sites/default/files/teo/conv2017/doc/Dacanay.pdf
  • Saucier, Gerard, Judith Kenner, Kathryn Iurino, Jovi Dacanay, et al. (2015). “Cross-Cultural Differences in a Global Survey of World Views”, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology Vol. 46(1) 53–70 (doi: 10.1177/0022022114551791) http://jcc.sagepub.com/content/46/1/53
  • Dacanay, Jovi C. (2015). “Learning Curve Spillovers and Transactions Cost in the Microfinance Industry of the Philippines”. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Organization Management  4:149. Hilaris Publisher (DOI: 10.4172/2169-026X.1000149)  https://www.hilarispublisher.com/open-access/learning-curve-spillovers-and-transactions-cost-in-the-microfinance-industry-of-the-philippines-2169-026X-1000149.pdf
  • Dacanay, Jovi C. (2015). “Happiness as Life Satisfaction and Human Flourishing:  An Economic Perspective,” in Toward the Future of Asia:  My Proposal (Best Papers of the 2nd Asia Future Conference), Junko Imanishi, editor, Volume 2, pp. 63-76, Sekiguchi Global Research Association (SGRA):  Tokyo, Japan, ISBN978-4-902928-13-6 (http://www.aisf.or.jp/AFC/2014/news/news-en/toward-the-future-of-asia-my-proposal-vol-2-the-2nd-asia-future-conference-best-papers/
  • Dacanay, Jovi C. (2015). “Beyond Rational Choice and Needs Gratification:  The Economics of Happiness as Human Flourishing,”  2nd International Conference on Family and Society Proceedings, Rita Cavallotti and Consuelo León (editors) IESF (Institut d´Estudis Superiors de la família), Universitat  Internacional de Catalunya (UIC),  Barcelona, Spain:  pp. 51-79 https://www.academia.edu/15185170/Proceedings_of_the_Second_International_Conference_Family_and_Society_September_24_25_2014_
  • Dacanay, Jovi Clemente and Castañeda, Dorothy Jeanne Lacson. (2014). “Venerable Bishop Álvaro and the Laity as Leaven in Society: Instilling Moral Capital through the Mentoring System of the University of Asia and the Pacific” in Vir Fidelis Multum Laudabitur, Pablo Gefaell, editor, Volume 2, Pontificia Università della Santa Croce:  Rome, Italy, pp. 747-766, ISBN 978-88-8333-352-1 http://en.pusc.it/category/facolt%C3%A0-le-pubblicazioni/diritto-canonico?page=2
  • Dacanay, Jovi, Bienvenido Nito and Patricia Buensuceso. (2011). “Microfinance, Financial Inclusion and Financial Development:  An Empirical Investigation with an International Perspective” Proceedings of the International Conference on Managing Services in the Knowledge Economy, July 13-15,  2011,  Universidade Lusíada de Famalicão, Vila Nova de Famalicão , Portugal, pp. 153-173.
  • Dacanay, J.C., King-Calvo, M.T. and Santos, A.A.A. (2010). “Information Cascades as Social Learning: The Case of Box-Office Ticket Sales in the Philippines” in ECKM 2010-Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM 2010 (Vol. 1, p. 334-344). Academic Conferences Limited. Elsevier: North Holland  http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lxh&AN=53491612&site=ehost-live
  • Dacanay, Jovi, Viory Yvonne Janeo, Anton Raphael Mutuc, Aleckzandra Rubia. (2023). “OFW Remittances, the Macroeconomy and COVID-19” in Toward the Future of Asia:  My Proposal (Best Papers of the 6th Asia Future Conference), Junko Imanishi, editor, Volume 6B, pp. 163-174, Sekiguchi Global Research Association (SGRA):  Tokyo, Japan (forthcoming)

Professional Affiliation

  • Philippine Social Science Council
  • Philippine Economic Society
