Guillermo R. Dionisio


Areas of Interest

  • Personalist philosophical anthropology
  • Natural law ethics
  • Philosophy of forgiveness
  • Ecclesiastical architecture, history, and art

Guillermo R. Dionisio

  • Personalist philosophical anthropology
  • Natural law ethics
  • Philosophy of forgiveness
  • Ecclesiastical architecture, history, and art
Guillermo R. Dionisio is currently the chairperson of the Philosophy Department of the UA&P College of Arts and Sciences. He obtained his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Philosophy from the University of Santo Tomas, Manila. At present, he is preparing to defend his dissertation on forgiveness for his Ph.D. in Philosophy in the same university.

He was a full scholar at the Internationale Sommerakademie, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany) for a course on Human Rights and Natural Law.

He is an associate member of the Council for Research in Values and Philosophy based in the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., USA.


  • Dionisio, G. R. (2016). Paul Ricoeur’s anthropology of forgiveness. Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture20(2), 118-144.
  • Dionisio, G. R. (2014). Natural law tradition and Confucian culture: Beyond east-west divide. CAS Review, (9)1, 42-62.
  • Dionisio, G. R. (2012). Cyberspace and St. Thomas Aquinas: Some philosophical and moral considerations. ACTA – Proceedings of the Quadricentennial International Philosophy Congress: THOMISM AND ASIAN CULTURES, Celebrating 400 Years of Dialogue Across Civilizations. (pp. 272-279).
  • Villegas, B. M., &  Dionisio, G. R. (2010). Genesis of and antidote to consumerism. In Caparas, M. V. Q. (Ed.), Selected Papers on Caritas in Veritate: The Philippine Experience (pp. 45-67). University of Asia and the Pacific.
