James L. Lactao

Assistant Professor

Areas of Interest

  • Counseling
  • Educational psychology
  • Motivation
  • Youth mentoring
  • Children of OFWs
  • Attitude towards mathematics

James L. Lactao

Assistant Professor
  • Counseling
  • Educational psychology
  • Motivation
  • Youth mentoring
  • Children of OFWs
  • Attitude towards mathematics
James Lactao holds a PhD in Education, Major in Educational Psychology, from the University of the Philippines, Diliman, where he also earned his MA in Education (Guidance) and BS in Chemistry degrees.

Dr. Lactao is a Registered Guidance Counselor and a Licensed Professional Teacher with 11 years of teaching experience in basic education. His wealth of experience in helping children and university students deal with academic, emotional, and psychosocial challenges proved invaluable during his tenure as Head of the Office of Guidance and Counseling and Vice Director of the Center for Student Affairs at UA&P. He currently teaches in the undergraduate and graduate programs of the School of Education and Human Development.

With over 20 years of mentoring experience, Dr. Lactao spearheaded two national conferences on youth mentoring and chaired the Scientific Committee of the 1st International Mentoring Conference held at UA&P in 2018. He has developed and delivered training modules for mentors and aspiring mentors. In 2022, FutureLab.my, a Malaysian mentoring organization, named him one of Southeast Asia’s Top 15 Notable Community Mentors. He has been invited as a resource speaker on topics such as stress management, microskills in counseling, the art of listening, the effects of technology on the family, and mentor training.


  • Lactao, J. L., & Koo, G. S. (2020). The lived experience of students in a formal mentoring program: Exploring students’ motivation based on the Organismic Integration Theory. Philippine Education Research Journal, 2020 (1-2), 62-79.
  • Sunio, V., Cortes, R. Z., & Lactao, J. (2022). Rhetorical orientations for promoting sustainable travel behavior: A perspective. Research in Transportation Economics, 91, 101026.
  • Lactao, J., & De Guzman, L. S. (2011). Academic Performance, Self-Esteem, and Behavior Problems of Male Adolescents with Migrant-Working Fathers. In ICERI2011 Proceedings (pp. 4636-4645). IATED.

Papers presented in conferences

  • Lactao, J. L. (2024, October 28-November 1). Perceived need and relationship development: A hermeneutic phenomenological investigation of mentee proactivity in mentoring relationships [Conference presentation]. Korean Conference on Education, Songdo ConvensiA, Incheon, South Korea.
  • Lactao, J. L. (2023,  July 13-15). Phenomenology of supporting the basic psychological needs of university students through mentoring [Conference presentation]. 15th Biennial Conference of the Association of Social Psychology, Education University of Hong Kong.
  • Lactao, J. L. (2022, November 28-December 2). What motivates students to be in a mentoring relationship? Discovering motivations using the organismic integration theory [Conference presentation]. 14th Asian Conference on Education (ACE2022), Tokyo, Japan.
  • Lactao, J. L. (2021, July 7-9). What motivates university students to be in a mentoring relationship?: Discovering motivations using the organismic integration theory through hermeneutic phenomenology” [Virtual presentation]. 28th International Conference on Learning, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.
  • Lactao, J. L. (2020, July 13-15). When everything revolves around the Son – Venus Included [Virtual presentation]. 27th International Conference on Learning, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain.
  • Lactao, J. L. (2018, October 13-15). Development of the attitude towards mathematics scale (ATMS) [Conference presentation]. Asian Conference on Education (ACE) 2018, Toshi Hotel, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Lactao, J. L. (2016, April 13-15). UA&P: Promoting youth mentoring in the Philippines [Conference presentation]. 2016 International Mentoring Association Conference, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama.
  • Lactao, J. L. (2012, September 13-14). Guidance and counseling: Myths and facts [Conference presentation]. 1st National Conference on Youth Mentoring, University of Asia and the Pacific, Pasig City, Philippines.
  • Lactao, J. L. (2011, November 14-16). Academic performance, self-esteem, and behavior problems of male adolescents with migrant-working fathers [Virtual presentation]. 4th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Madrid, Spain.
