Juan O. Mesquida

Associate Professor

Areas of Interest

  • History of welfare societies in the Spanish period of Philippine history
  • Historical development and application of credit in the Spanish Philippines
  • Historical roots and evolution of sacred rituals
  • Social interaction of racial groups in the Spanish period

Juan O. Mesquida

Associate Professor
  • History of welfare societies in the Spanish period of Philippine history
  • Historical development and application of credit in the Spanish Philippines
  • Historical roots and evolution of sacred rituals
  • Social interaction of racial groups in the Spanish period
Juan O. Mesquida is an Associate Professor in the History Department of the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) at UA&P. He holds a doctoral degree in History from the University of Santo Tomas (Manila) and a licentiate degree in Modern Spanish History (BA and MA) from the Universidad de Oviedo (Spain). Dr. Mesquida has previously served as the Chair of the History Department and as the Operations Secretary of CAS. He loves teaching undergraduate and graduate students courses about world history, Spanish and Latin American history, historical research, and historiography.

Most of his research revolves around the history of philanthropy in the Spanish period of Philippine history and how it evolved throughout three centuries.


  • “Estatuaria en caña en Filipinas,” in Imaginería indígena mexicana. Una catequesis en caña de maíz, edited by Antonio García-Abásolo, Gabriela García Lascurain and Joaquín Sánchez Ruiz. Córdoba: Cajasur, 2001.
  • “Origin of the ‘Misericordia’ of Manila.” Ad Veritatem 2 (March 2003): 423-462.
  •  “The American Era Seen Through the Novel: La oveja de Nathan by Antonio M. Abad.” Ad Veritatem 4, no. 1 (October 2004): 11-28.
  • “The Early Years of the Misericordia of Manila (1594-1625).” Revista de Cultura, International edition, 14 (April 2005): 59-81.
  • “The Misericordia of Manila: Founder and Patron of the Hospital de San Juan de Dios,” in the Proceedings of the First International Conference on the History of Medicine in the Philippines, edited by Angel Aparicio, O.P. Manila: University of Santo Tomas, 2008: 85-110.
  • “Early Social Assistance in Spanish Manila: The 1606 Statutes of the Misericordia.” Synergeia, 3 (2009): 5-28.
  • “La población de Manila y las capellanías de misas de los españoles: Libro de registros 1642-1672,” Revista de Indias, Vol. LXX, no. 249 (May-August 2010), 469-500.
  • “Negotiating the Boundaries of Civil and Ecclesiastical Powers: The Misericordia of Manila (1594-1780s),” in Brotherhood and Boundaries, edited by Stefania Pastore, Adriano Prosperi, and Nicholas Terpstra (Pisa: Edizioni della Normale, 2011), 519-539.
  • “Spaces, Material Culture, and Changing Roles: The Misericordia of Manila (1594-1869),” in Into the Frontier. Studies on Spanish Colonial Philippines. In Memoriam Lourdes Díaz-Trechuelo, edited by Marya Svetlana T. Camacho (Pasig, The Philippines: University of Asia and the Pacific, 2011), 187-219.
  • “Negotiating Charity, Politics, and Religion in the Colonial Philippines: The Brotherhood of the Misericordia of Manila (1594-1780s), in Faith’s Boundaries: Laity and Clergy in Early Modern Confraternities. Edited by Nicholas Terpstra, Adriano Prosperi, and Stefania Pastoria. Turnhout (Belgium): Brepols, 2012, 187-206.
  • “Pious Funds across the Pacific (1668-1823): Charitable Bequests or Credit Source?” The Americas 74:4 (October 2018), 661-697.
  • “Holy Week Processions in the Philippines: A Devotional and Artistic Tradition on the Rise (The case of the Parish Church of Our Lady of the Abandoned Church in Marikina)” Journal of History Vol. LXIV (January-December 2018), 173-204.

Book reviews

  • Sá, Isabel dos Guimarães (2018). O Regresso dos Mortos: Os Doadores da Misericórdia do Porto e a Expansão Oceânica (Séculos XVI-XVIII). Lisbon: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa, Pp. 331, in the e-Journal of Portuguese History Vol. 18 no. 1 (June 2020), published online on January 22, 2021. (https
  • The Spanish Pacific, 1521–1815. A Reader of Primary Sources. Edited by Christina H. Lee and Ricardo Padrón. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2020. Pp. 249, in The Americas Vol. 78 Issue 2 (April 2021), Published online by Cambridge University Press: 23 April 2021, pp. 335-337.
