Rafael I. Santos


Areas of Interest

  • Media and technology education
  • Interlanguage/Second language pragmatics
  • Politeness studies
  • (Second) Language acquisition
  • Cross-cultural communication
  • Stylistics
  • American drama
  • Applied linguistics

Rafael I. Santos

  • Media and technology education
  • Interlanguage/Second language pragmatics
  • Politeness studies
  • (Second) Language acquisition
  • Cross-cultural communication
  • Stylistics
  • American drama
  • Applied linguistics
Rafael Santos teaches Purposive Communication and Media and Information Literacy. He is a PhD candidate in English Studies: Language at the University of the Philippines Diliman. In a span of more than 20 years, he has worked as a managing editor, print journalist, broadcaster, broadcast programming director, public affairs program host (cable TV & radio) in a US territory, news editor, broadcast strategist for a global media organization, and executive director of a school.

Rafael received the ABS-CBN Bayaning Pilipino sa Asya-Pasipiko sa Taon ng Sentenaryo award for his advocacy work for overseas Filipino workers while employed as a journalist, and Ang Bagong Bayani Awards, both in 1999. Previously, he was conferred the Best All-Around Excellence in Reporting award by the US Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ).


Professional Affiliation

  • Member, Network of Professional Researchers and Educators (NPRE)

Papers presented in conferences

  • (Re)configuring Death and Mourning, Representation of Social Realities, and Construction of Identities Through Social Media Deathscapes Amid the Continuing Threat of Covid-19. Philippine Studies Conference Japan, University of Tokyo Komaba Campus, 2022 November 26.
  • Humanizing The 4Cs: Reinventing Technology Education in Junior College Toward 21CC Alignment. The 4th De La Salle Araneta University Education Research Congress: Strengthening the 4Cs of the 21st Century Skills, 2019 November 23.
  • Developing Intelligent, Social and Moral Potentials among Junior College Students: A Philippine Technology-Based 21CC Model. Scubicon, Soegijapranata Catholic University, Semarang, Indonesia, 2019 October 24.

Book chapter

  • Santos, R. I. (2023). Resilient Southeast Asian Education Through Humane and Compassionate Pedagogical Framework: An Autoethnography in Online Teaching and Learning Amid the Covid-19 Health Crisis. Higher Education in the ASEAN Region: Shaping the Future. Malaysia: Sunway University Press. [Book to be released March 2023].

Published Journal Articles

  • Santos, R. I. (2022). “Double Padded” Politeness: (Im)Politeness in Broadcast Interviews by ABC- 5’s Raffy Tulfo and GMA-7’s Jessica Sojo. International Journal of English Language Studies, 10 [Manuscript due for publication December 2022].
  • Santos, R., & Bae, J. B. (2022). T-Shaped graduates: Developing cognitive and metacognitive (socioemotional) skills in a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics-aligned course using project-based approach in an online learning environment. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 11(14), 91-105. https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2022.b021
  • Santos, R. I. (2022). (Re)Examining Politeness Concepts and Contentions: Implications on Filipino Brand of Politeness. International Journal of Humanity Studies, 6(1), 51-67.  https://doi.org/10.24071/ijhs.v6i1.4723
  • Santos, R. I. (2022). Girls, gold, and gods: perverted individualism and heightened secularism in O’Neill‘s Desire Under the Elms. Comparative Literature: East & West (Taylor & Francis) 6(1), 105-115, DOI: 10.1080/25723618.2022.2082047
  • Santos, R. I. (2022). Demographic Factors and Parents’ Communicative Acts: Their Implications on the Models of Child’s Use of Language. International Journal of Humanity Studies, 5(2), 206-224.
  • Santos, R. (2020). Output-based approach in media and information literacy toward 21st century skills development in the Philippines. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 9(7), 13-29. https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2020.5045
