16. While taking care not to involve itself as an institution in political and other activities proper to other kinds of organizations, the UA&P encourages its constituents to:

  • Develop the capacity for critical analysis and positive appraisal of social problems; and
  • Freely form their own convictions and proposals for the solution of these problems within the ambit of legitimate pluralism.

17. In accord with existing laws and its statutes, the UA&P enjoys academic autonomy.  It is free to select its professors, admit qualified students, and formulate and carry out its research and teaching programs within the bounds set by law and its charter.

18. The Administration of the UA&P is inspired by the principles of collegiality and participation.  The President of the University is charged with highest executive responsibility but, in accord with its statutes, shares this responsibility with the different members of the University community through the channels of participation that have been established.

19. The moral unity of the University community requires of all its members adherence to the goals and ideals of the UA&P, manifested in their effective participation in the key tasks of research, teaching, communication, and extension.  In particular, the faculty are called upon to distinguish themselves by their professional competence and upright personal conduct, their conscientious fulfillment of contractual obligations and respect for University authorities, and their ability for service to the University.